Strung Goose Coquille 3-4" Dyed Grey - per 1/2 lb

Item Number:
Wholesale Price:
per half pound (about 4 yards)
0 x 0

Product Description

Our Goose Coquilles are strung and sized 3-4". They are sold in half pound increments and there are about 4 yards of strung feathers in a half pound. Each half pound contains roughly 2,800 feathers.

Goose Coquilles are most commonly used to make traditional Hawaiian Feather Leis. Though we have many colors to choose from, there are 8 colors that are most commonly used to represent each of the Hawaiian Islands.

Kahoolawe – Gray

Kahoolawe, off of southwest Maui, is uninhabited at the moment and visitors are not allowed. This island’s official color is gray. This time that color is reflected in the leaves of the hinahina plant, otherwise known as the native heliotrope. The flowers are fragrant and white with small trumpet shapes. Tiny hairs cover the leaves, which in a certain light appear silver.