Natural Rooster Tail Feathers

Displaying products 1 - 16 of 16 results
Grizzly Rooster Tail Feathers 8-18" - per ounce
Wholesale Price $19.00
per ounce - These feathers are loose, unsorted, and ungraded. There is a lot of variation in this mix, but it is mostly very good quality. Some feathers will require steaming to look their best.
Natural White Rooster Tail Feathers, Strung 14-16" - per 1/4 lb
Wholesale Price $148.75
per quarter pound (about 200 feathers)
Natural White Rooster Tail Feathers, Strung 8-10" - per 1/4 lb
Wholesale Price $90.00
per quarter pound (about 300 feathers)
Natural White Rooster Tail Feathers, Strung 6-7" - per 1/4 lb
Wholesale Price $75.00
per quarter pound (about 350 feathers)
Natural Black (Bronze) Rooster Tail Feathers, Loose Bundled 16-18" - per 1/2 lb
Wholesale Price $87.50
per half pound (about 350 pcs)
Natural Black (Bronze) Rooster Tail Feathers, Strung 18-20" - per 1/2 lb
Wholesale Price $137.50
per half pound (about 300 pcs)
Natural Black (Bronze) Rooster Tail Feathers, Strung 16-18" - per 1/2 lb
Wholesale Price $112.50
per half pound (about 350 pcs)
Natural Black (Bronze) Rooster Tail Feathers, Strung 14-16" - per 1/2 lb
Wholesale Price $75.00
per half pound (about 400 pcs)
Natural Black (Bronze) Rooster Tail Feathers, Strung 12-14" - per 1/2 lb
Wholesale Price $40.00
per half pound (about 450 pcs)
Natural Black Rooster Tail Feathers, Double Stitched 8-10" - per 1/2 lb
Wholesale Price $40.00
per half pound (about 2.5 yards)
Half Bronze Rooster Tail Feathers, Strung 14-16" - per 1/2 lb
Wholesale Price $75.00
per half pound (about 400 feathers)
Chinchilla Rooster Tail Feathers, Strung 16-18" - per 1/2 lb
Wholesale Price $112.50
per half pound (about 350 feathers)
Chinchilla Rooster Tail Feathers, Strung 14-15" - per 1/2 lb
Wholesale Price $75.00
per half pound (about 400 feathers)
Half Bronze Rooster Tail Feathers, Strung 18-20" - per 1/2 lb
Wholesale Price $125.00
per half pound (about 300 pcs)
Half White Rooster Tail Feathers 18-20" - per 1/2 lb
Wholesale Price $87.50
per half pound (about 300 feathers)